"With families at heart and a heart for the world"
“So everywhere we go we talk about Christ to all who will listen.”
- Colossians 1:28a TLB
Dear Friends in Christ,
How are your “shoes”? In Ephesians 6:15 it says, “And, as shoes for your feet, put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.”
Last year I began using the acronym SHOE to help introduce and explain our unique ministry. S.H.O.E. = “Spiritual Heritage Outreach Events!”
So far this year, we have had twenty ministry outings with missionary groups, int’l guests, church groups, family groups and Christian schools. The most frequent outing location has been to the U.S. Capitol (with the new Museum of the Bible a close second).
These photos are a sampling of some of those groups. If you would like to bring a group or ministry team to the DC area, including local Civil War battlefields, for a “Spiritual Heritage Outreach Event,” please contact us! Whether our primary purpose is evangelism (to or with the group) or discipleship, we can totally tailor it for you.
A Christian school from Arizona returned this year with a new group of students for five days in and around DC. These two photos (above) were taken at the White House and at the entrance to Mount Vernon. Do you know the White House Prayer? Written by John Adams, FDR had it carved into the mantelpiece in the State Dining. Email me to find out!
Above 1: Asian college students on a tour of America with an old friend of mine. There is so much spiritual truth to point out in DC. Here, it’s Jefferson’s words: All men “...are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.” Above 2: An extended family in the new Museum of the Bible. One said, “There is so much to see. Another trip is due!”
Above 1: At Mount Vernon I’m sharing my “Four Flags George Washington Served Under” presentation with another Christian school group. Above 2: A missionary family & I ran into Josh McDowell at the Museum of the Bible! Josh said, “Bernie, some day I hope to bring my whole family to DC for 3 days. Dottie & I want you to be with us to share your spiritual insights!”
Above 1 and 2: Through a good friend, I was able to take the interns from a leadership program at White Sulphur Springs, PA (Officers Christian Fellowship) through the U.S. Capitol and share more Scripture with these eager young people than any other group, with the possible exception of Josh McDowell’s group of 150 ministry leaders last November.
While the DC cherry blossoms were in full bloom, my Penn State friends brought another group of int’l students to see the beauty and to hear stories of faith & biblical truth from me. Above I’m sharing the Gospel message from one of our fliers entitled, “Do You Know the Story Behind the Cherry Blossom Trees of Washington, DC?” Email us for a PDF! My Egyptian friend wrote, “Thank you for always making our time in DC very special. God bless your family & ministry!”
Thank you for your prayers and support!
In Christ, Bernie for the Bealls