Music for March!

Hello friends!

Our favorite virtuoso violinist, the Grammy-Award winning Augustin Hadelich, will be performing with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra (who recently credited Augustin as the top booked violin soloist in the 2016-17 season) this coming weekend! We hope you will consider attending one of his three performances - at the Myerhoff Symphony Hall in Baltimore, MD on Friday March 24th at 8PM, and Sunday March 26th at 3PM, and also at Strathmore Hall in Bethesda, MD on Saturday March 25th at 8PM. Purchase tickets here

Photo credit above: Sarah Holm - Chautauqua 2016

Photo credit right: Alex Irvin - Aspen 2016

The BSO program includes Augustin playing two impressionist composers, Ravel and Chausson, in some very unique works for violin soloist with orchestra! We have always firmly believed that Augustin's playing is unrivaled and that he is the best violin soloist on the stage today, and his recent Grammy award seems to validate our view! What we also enjoy about about Augustin is his genuine and humble stage presence. He has a sincere joy and enthusiasm that is winsome and beautiful, and seems devoid of bravado and ego. He just loves music and loves to perfect, play, perform and share the musical treasures that he uncovers with anyone who will listen. Always seeking authenticity and going back to the original scores is his approach, an approach that enables his interpretation to bring fresh life and clarity to everything he plays. You will not be disappointed!

As a sample of Augustin's ability to blend something technically extravagantly difficult with a sense of musicality and phrase, is this video of Augustin playing Paganini Caprice number 5 live as an encore after a performance with the New Jersey Symphony last May.

And I hope you also take a few minutes to enjoy one of my favorites of his most recent 4 video collaboration with pianist Joyce Yang, performing the 3rd movement of the Franck Violin Sonata in A Major. You can hear them both live as he and Joyce will also be performing a great recital program at the Gildenhorn Recital Hall - College Park, MD on Sunday April 23rd at 3 PM! Tickets for that program here

Together Augustin and Joyce have recently released their first duo recording which includes the Franck sonata and more! It's available at Amazon as a CD or mp3 and also at iTunes.
Augustin has many more incredible recordings including a new live 2 concerto recording of the Tchaikovsky and the Lalo. Here's the link to that at Amazon.

Many more video treasures are at his youtube channel, including a German video about his journey as a soloist - from playing on the stages in Germany as a child prodigy, to tragedy when he was 15, to second career as an adult.

If we sent you the link to this page and you are not local, please check Augustin's itinerary if you want to see and hear him perform near you! (under concerts)

His facebook page also lists some of his performances:

He also now has a fun instagram account where he posts pictures of his travels and interacts a bit with fans!

Having been through so much, yet coming back to perform at this level, I do believe Augustin has the ability to not get caught up in negative thoughts, and just keep moving forward, which is kind of what I was talking about having as a personal goal for myself in my January devotional. Hope you come out and enjoy being inspired and blessed by the beauty of this young man's playing!
Seven of our eight grandchildren are learning violin now, because Augustin inspired me 8 years ago with the beauty of his playing. :) You should see all their little violins lined up on the table on their practice day here. :)  The youngest is not yet on the tiny violin - see my fingers wrapped around this 1/64 size (I think) violin in the picture on the left, the body of it is only about 7 inches! Abbi is now on a 3/4 size, and there is every size in between on the table, complete with identifying colored ribbons so the children can each find theirs easily when they are all together. On their practice day here, most of them also have a piano lesson with Sarah too, so it is quite a full and musical day! Hope you can attend one of the concerts this weekend and hear this young man, Augustin Hadelich, whose story and especially his playing have inspired me so much!

God's riches blessings to you all!
Linda for the Bealls
