January 14, 2016
Bernie shares missions testimony at 'Perspectives in the Worldwide Christian Movement' orientation class
February 3, 2016
Bernie leads outreach tour of Washington DC with Alert Cadets from Texas.
February 11-12
Bernie leads outreach tour in Washington DC with Asian College Students
March 12, 2016
Bernie leads outreach tour of International Students from Hershey, PA
March 31, 2016
Bernie gives private outreach tour of Washington, DC for visiting family
April 2, 2016
Bernie leads a Spiritual Heritage Outreach Tour of Washington, DC with a group from Penn State University
April 17, 2016
Bernie leads Spiritual Heritage Outreach Tour of Harper's Ferry with friends
May 3-6
Bernie leads Christian School Tour of Washington, DC
May 21-23
Bernie leads outreach tour for Christian School group
May 27-29
Bernie and Dan speak on family ministry at church retreat
June 11, 2016
Bernie speaks at Frontier Family Fest event in Altoona, PA
June 12, 2016
Bernie speaks at Christ Lutheran Church
July 16-11
Bernie leads Spiritual Heritage Outreach Tour with Christian School group
August 2, 2016
Bernie leads Spiritual Heritage Outreach Tour of Washington DC with Methodist Youth Group
August 3-6
Bernie leads Spiritual Heritage Outreach Tour with Chinese Business Group
August 8-9
Bernie leads Spiritual Heritage Outreach Tour with group of college students from North Carolina
August 20, 2016
Bernie helps lead tour of new 'Museum of the Bible' in Washington, DC
September 14-October 17
Bernie speaks at 'Witnessing History' conference in Altoona, PA
September 18, 2016
Bernie preaches in Altoona, PA
October 1-3
Bernie leads 3 day tour that includes the Monuments in Washington, DC, Mt. Vernon, and the US Capitol
October 12, 2016
Bernie leads outreach tour in DC with Landmark events.
October 19, 2016
Bernie leads a second outreach tour for Landmark Events in Washington, DC
December 24, 2016
Beall family neighborhood caroling 'outreach' :)
January 8, 2015
Washington DC tour with student group from Delaware.
February 12, 2015
Bernie speaks to student group at Warwick Community College in Salsibury, MD
February 19-20
Washington DC tour with Asian College Students
February 25, 2015
Washington DC leadership development tour with group of Alert Cadets from Texas
February 27, 2015
Washington DC tour with students from Salisbury, MD
March 6, 2015
Tour of Antietam Battlefield with CMA missionaries
March 10, 2015
Washington DC family tour
March 13, 2015
Tour of Washington DC with Penn State International Students
March 27, 2015
Bernie leads tour of Washington DC with family from Illinois
March 28, 2015
EPHC conference vendors and speakers, Bernie gives 3 seminars
April 7, 2015
Tour of Antietam Battlefield with school group
April 11, 2015
DC Cherry Blossom Tour with (more!) Penn State Int'l Students
April 17, 2015
Bernie key note speaker at GMU-Cru Fellowship Dinner
April 24-25
MACHE vendors
April 27, 2015
Bernie speaks at Montgomery UMC Women's Group in afternoon
April 27, 2015
Tour of Washington DC in morning
May 14-15
2 day Tour of Washington DC
May 29, 2015
Bernie leads Grove City private school tour of Washington DC
June 2, 2015
Bernie in recording sessions - Topic: Frances Scott Key, for Frederick Faith Debate radio show
June 20, 2015
Bernie speaks at Father's Day Ministry Event at Ministry House in PA
July 3, 2015
Family Outreach Tour of Washington DC
July 29-August 1
Bernie leads a four day tour of Washington DC with Asian international group
August 10-11
Bernie leads International Student tour of Washington, DC
August 19, 2015
Bernie leads all day tour/outreach with students from Big Sandy, TX
September 1, 2015
Tour of Washington DC for Missionary Couple
September 7, 2015
Bernie accompanies ELI students for tour of Philadelphia, PA, with Ralph Weitz
September 19, 2015
Bernie speaks at Montgomery Methodist Men's Meeting
September 21, 2015
Possible tour of Washington CD with White Oak Christian Academy Students
September 28, 2015
Bernie leads all day Washington DC tour/outreach with California Homeschool Student Group
October 1, 2015
Bernie leads tour/outreach of Washington DC for Damascus UMC Young at Heart group
October 2, 2015
Bernie leads tour/outreach of Washington DC for Bereans of Immanuel Bible Church group
October 6-8
Bernie leads tour of Washington DC with Excelsius Leadership Institute group
October 9, 2015
Tour of Washington DC with group of International Students from NC State
October 14-15
Tours with Landmark Ministries group
October 16, 2015
Frances Scott Key tour of Frederick MD with Home School Group
October 21, 2015
Tour with Landmark Ministries Group
November 22, 2015
Bernie speaks on 'Pilgrims and Providence' at Locust Valley Bible Church
January 8, 2014
Bernie helps lead Training Day in D.C. for Christian Tours of America
February 3, 2014
N.C. State international students tour of D.C.
February 11, 2014
Bernie takes and passes DC Tour Guide License exam. By faith, this will open even more doors for ministry.
February 22, 2014
Peter Joshua Beall, our second grandson, is born on George Washington's birthday!
February 24, 2014
GCF Booth at Workforce Ministries event with Dr. Luis Palau
March 11, 2014
GCF Booth at Workforce Ministries event with Congressman Frank Wolf
March 14, 2014
Penn State International student tour D.C.
March 29, 2014
Speaking twice at EPHSC Conference, West Virginia 1. Building a Family Ministry 2. Evidence of God's Hand in DC
April 5, 2014
Penn State international student tour of D.C.
April 12, 2014
Outreach tour in D.C. with Christian Club from Wor-Wic Community College
April 23, 2014
Private tour of DC with friends from Australia
April 26, 2014
Pastor Bernie officiates marriage of his niece, Elizabeth McCallum and Tom Calderwood. :) Congrats to the happy couple!
April 27, 2014
Spiritual lessons at Pentagon 9-11 Memorial with Christian tour group
April 29-May 1
D.C. American History Outing with Christian tour group
May 3-6
ELI Chinese Business leaders American History Outing of D.C.
May 4, 2014
Gettysburg Outreach Tour with Pennsylvania church friends
May 17, 2014
Bernie speaks at Montgomery UMC Men's Breakfast
May 17, 2014
Pastor Bernie speaks at his Aunt Mary Grimes memorial service
May 17, 2014
Private Gettysburg tour with Danish int'l student and his host family
May 20, 2014
Private U.S. Capitol tour with relatives of a U.S. congressman
June 6, 2014
Private D.C. American History Outing with Florida Pastor & family
June 12, 2014
Private D.C. American History Outing with friends from Indiana
June 14, 2014
Speaking for Men's Event at Chalybeate Springs Ministries in Bedford, PA
June 15, 2014
Speaking for Father's Day at St. Paul's Reformed Church in Bedford, PA
June 27, 2014
Private U.S. Capitol tour for friends from Kansas
July 7, 2014
Tour of Antietam battlefield with family from N.C.
July 9, 2014
Advance logistical tour in Baltimore for videographer in preparation for FRC filming of biography on the life of Frances Scott Key
July 15-18
D.C. American History Outing with Landmark Events ministry
July 26, 2014
D.C. American History Outing with family from CA
August 7-10
D.C. American History Outing with Asian Business Leaders
August 12-13
American History Outing of D.C. with International Students from N.C.
August 15, 2014
Private tour of Gettysburg Battlefield with family
August 19, 2014
American History Outing of Washington, D.C. with missionary family
September 27-30
ELI Chinese Business leaders American History Outing of D.C.
September 30, 2014
Linda speaks at Capital Baptist Homeschool group meeting in Annandale, Va
October 10, 2014
D.C. American History Outing with second group of International Students from North Carolina State University
October 12, 2014
Arlington Cemetery Tour with N.C State international students.
November 2, 2014
'A Look Inside Our Nation's Capital' presentation at Christ Lutheran Church, Germantown, MD. Daniel recites Matt. 5:1-16
November 20, 2014
Bernie speaks at CTCHE homeschool group, Charles Town, W.V. on "Blessing Our Children: Building Faith That Lasts"
November 23, 2014
Bernie preaches on "Pilgrims and Providence" at Journey of Life Church in Williamsport, MD. Daniel recites Matt. 5:1-16
November 30, 2014
"A Look Inside Our Nation's Capital" presentation with multi-family home fellowship in Waterford, VA.
December 5, 2014
Bernie and Linda celebrate their 33rd wedding anniversary, by attending 'The Messiah' performance with the Baltimore Symphony. Stay tuned for Linda's devotional thoughts based on three of the scripture passages.
December 22, 2014
D.C. American History Outing with international missions executive and his extended family.
December 29, 2014
D.C. American History Outing with international students from Iowa.
February 16, 2013
Annual WCF Sweetheart dinner in our home
February 17, 2013
Post-Valentine's Day Outreach, Frederick, MD
March 3, 2013
WCF Sabillasville Outreach
March 4, 2013
Bernie speaks: Francis Scott Key and Frederick's spiritual heritage talks at White Oak Christian Acadamy
March 10, 2013
WCF Sabillasville Outreach
March 23, 2013
Three sessions at EPHSC Conference, West Virginia 1. Spiritual Life Lessons from Gettysburg & Antietam 2. Blessing Our Children: Building Faith That Lasts 3. Exploring Your Family Heritage
March 25, 2013
Tour of MD state capital, Annapolis, MD
March 27, 2013
Private tour of Washington, DC with 2 Pastors and visiting German homestay students.
March 28, 2013
Annapolis tour
March 31, 2013
Bernie delivers Easter message, Walkersville Christian Fellowship
April 6, 2013
PSU International Student tour, Washington, DC
April 7, 2013
Cherry Blossom Festival Outreach, Washington, DC
April 14, 2013
Titanic Dinner and Outreach, Washington, DC
April 20, 2013
Annapolis tour
April 26-27
MACHE, Frederick, MD
May 4, 2013
KJV 400 Traveling Exhibit "Manifold Greatness" at Harford County Community College
May 12, 2013
Mother's Day Outreach
May 13-18
Excelsis Institute (of Asia) D.C. American History Outing
June 9, 2013
Tree identification hike
June 16, 2013
Father's Day Outreach
June 30, 2013
Neighborhood raspberry picking
July 1-3
Gettysburg 150 Outreach and Tour
July 6, 2013
Antietam Outreach
July 7, 2013
Monocacy Battlefield Tour and Outreach
July 17, 2013
Harper's Ferry Tour with World View Acadamy Camp
July 17, 2013
Ezra Caleb Beall's arrives, our first grandson! Aaron and Christina and Ezra are all doing well.
July 20, 2013
DC Monuments Tour, 12-5, Washington, DC
July 29, 2013
Capitol Tour with Washington, DC Interns
August 2-3
Penn State University CCC 70's Reunion
(At Penn State University, Linda gave her life to Christ in 1979, and was involved in ministry from 1979 to 1981. Bernie was involved in student ministry there from 1976 to 1981. It was at PSU that Bernie and Linda met. :)
August 4-6
Tour of DC, and Annapolis, MD with visiting Asian student group
August 12-13
Tour of Washington DC with Asian student group from NC State
August 14-18
Roxbury Family Camp
September 2, 2013
C&O Canal bike hike tour and outreach
September 8, 2013
Washington DC 9-11 outreach
September 14, 2013
'Clustered Spires of Frederick' Outreach, Frederick, MD. on the 199th anniversary of the writing of the Star-Spangled Banner.
September 15, 2013
Battle of Antietam outreach
September 25-28
Attending National HSLDA conference, and helping coordinate logistics of conference event; Tour of Washington, DC
October 6, 2013
Brunswick Railroad Days Outreach
October 13, 2013
Colorfest Outreach
October 17, 2013
Bernie records video for 'Prayer on the Mall' about the Beall heritage and how it interfaces with our nation's capital.
October 17, 2013
Bernie leads tour of Harper's Ferry with Alert Cadets.
October 19-20
Bernie and Dan lead seminars at church in Bedford, PA
November 10, 2013
Bernie preaches at Bethesda UMC
November 17, 2013
Neighborhood Campfire and S'mores night
November 22-25
Bernie leads tours for Excelsis Leadership Institute in Washington, DC
November 26, 2013
Bernie lead historical tour of Washington DC for a seminary professor, his wife, and some friends
December 14, 2013
Neighborhood Christmas Caroling
January 15, 2012
Outreach in Washington DC in conjunction with the close of the 'Manifold Greatness' Exhibit at the Folger Museum
January 21, 2012
WCFS Mid-Year Conference
February 11, 2012
Annual WCF Sweetheart Dinner in our home
February 12-14
Valentines Day Outreaches in Frederick, MD
March 4-5
American History Outing of Washington, DC for International Students from Penn State University
March 24, 2012
EPHSC Conference Seminars
March 25, 2012
Maryland Day Outreach, Annapolis, MD
March 30, 2012
American History Outing of Washington, DC for International Students from West Virginia University
April 1, 2012
Cherry Blossom Festival Outreach in Washington, DC
April 14, 2012
Titanic Memorial Dinner & Outreach, Washington, D.C. (evening)
April 14, 2012
Manasass Battlefield Tour & Outreach with McLean Bible Church, Prince William Campus (afternoon)
April 21, 2012
International Student American History Outing of Washington, D.C. for PSU-ISM
April 27-28
MACHE Conference
May 12, 2012
Mother's Day Outreach
June 16, 2012
Father's Day Outreach
July 7, 2012
Antietam Battlefield Outreach, General Stonewall Jackson (aka Jim Hendry :-)
July 14, 2012
Monocacy Battlefield Outreach
August 2-4
American History Outing of Washington, D.C. for visiting Asian high school students
August 16-19
Bernie speaks at Roxbury Family Camp
September 3, 2012
C & O Canal Bike Hike Tour & Outreach Tour
September 11, 2012
Washington, D.C. 911 Outreach
September 15, 2012
Bernie leads prayer for families at My People Pray 2012
September 16, 2012
Antietam 150 Outreach, Sharpsburg, MD
October 6-7
Brunswick Railroad Days Outreach
October 12, 2012
Spiritual Heritage Prayer Walk of U.S. Capitol for friends of Wycliffe Bible Translators
October 13-14
Colorfest Outreach, Thurmont, MD
October 16-18
DC Spiritual Heritage Tour for Excelsis Institute of Singapore
October 20-21
Evangelism Is For Everyone church seminars - St. Paul’s Reformed Church, Pastor Howard Sloan, Bedford, PA
October 27, 2012
Dating Alternatives Seminar, Chesapeake, VA
November 4, 2012
Neighborhood Campfire & Smores Night
December 15, 2012
Neighborhood Christmas Caroling
January 8, 2011
Private tour of Mount Vernon and Kennedy Center for 2 visiting International families.
January 10, 2011
Private tour of Washington, D.C. with 2 visiting International families.
January 15, 2011
Beall family speaks at WCFS mid year conference. Topic, "Becoming All Things" from Acts 16
January 18, 2011
WCFS Tour of Annapolis Statehouse, MD
February 12, 2011
WCF Sweetheart Dinner in our home
February 17, 2011
Uniting Church and Home Meeting
March 7, 2011
2011 GCF Ministry Advisory Team meeting in our home
March 19, 2011
Annapolis, MD American History Outing and Outreach
March 26, 2011
Eastern Panhandle Homeschool Conference Keynote Speakers -- www.ephsc.org/keynote.htm
March 31, 2011
Antietam Battlefield Tour and Outreach for RCCS (Redeemer Classical Christian School)
April 6, 2011
Washington, D.C. Cherry Blossom Festival Outreach (1pm-4pm)
April 14, 2011
Washington, D.C. Titanic Dinner and Outreach
April 15-16
MACHE, Frederick, MD
April 24, 2011
Bernie preaches Easter service at Rosemont Alliance Church
May 19, 2011
Gettysburg Battlefield Bike Hike and Outreach for WCFS (Walkersville Christian Family Schools)- postponed to June 20 due to weather
May 22-29
3rd annual Beall/Bloom beach holiday
June 2-4
Speaking in 8 sessions at ICHE Conference, Naperville, IL www.iche.org/events/1533/06-02-2011/welcome-2011-iche-annual-state-convention/speakers
June 20, 2011
Gettysburg Battlefield Bike Hike and Outreach for WCFS (Walkersville Christian Family Schools)
July 2, 2011
Antietam Battlefield Bike Hike and Outreach
July 9, 2011
Monocacy Battlefield Car Tour and Outreach
July 12, 2011
Bernie gives driving tour of Gettysburg Battlefield area
July 17-22
Bernie, Aaron, and Dan attend Lamplighter Guild
August 6, 2011
Bernie gives tour of Washington, D.C. for group of 21 visiting Asian businessmen and their wives
August 15-18
Bernie hosting two tours for a group of 7 Asian leaders and their families.
August 18-21
Beall family speaks at Roxbury Family Camp
September 3, 2011
Harpers Ferry and C&O Canal Bike Hike and Outreach
September 11, 2011
D.C. Monuments American History Outing and Outreach (Tenth Anniversary of 9-11-2001)
September 24, 2011
Harpers Ferry and C&O Canal Bike Hike and Outreach
October 1-2
Brunswick Railroad Days Outreach
October 8, 2011
Sabillasville Fall Fest Outreach
October 9-11
DC Spiritual Heritage Tour for Excelsis Institute of Singapore
October 20, 2011
Durocher Family Concert, Fort Ritchie, MD
November 4, 2011
'College Alternatives' seminar in private residence
November 6, 2011
Annual S'mores Night with Neighbors
November 11, 2011
'Dating Alternatives' seminar in private residence
November 19, 2011
Gettysburg Driving Tour and Outreach
December 28-30
Bernie leading multiple tours in the Washington DC area for the Bridges International conference
January 9, 2010
Beall Family speaks at Walkersville Christian Family School's mid-year conference, Timonium, MD - "Family Evangelism: Be All You Can Be" (audio CD available)
January 15-17
Beall Family speaks at Family Conference, Charlottesville, VA, "Becoming a Great Commission Family" (6 sessions, audio CD available)
February 13, 2010
Annual WCFS Sweetheart Dinner in our home, postponed due to blizzard
February 18, 2010
Attending quarterly Uniting Church and Home conference, Richmond, VA
February 28, 2010
Bernie speaks, "Launching Into Acts" Part 1, Walkersville Christian Fellowship (audio CD available)
March 7, 2010
Bernie speaks, "Launching Into Acts", part 2, Walkersville Christian Fellowship (audio CD available)
March 20, 2010
Faith Influencer's Summit Conference, Westminster, Maryland. Bernie's Keynote session, "The Missing Ingredient That's Producing a Missing Generation", and Beall Family Seminar, "Standing on a Promise: Proverbs 22:6" 9am-Noon (audio CD available)
March 20, 2010
Private tour of Washington, DC, with visiting foreign church leader, 2-9 PM
March 26, 2010
Bernie sharing morning devotional "Jesus Marveled" at "Crabtowne Qualifier" (Regional Speech and Debate Tournament), Annapolis, MD. (notes available)
March 27, 2010
Maryland Day Outreach, Annapolis, MD
April 3, 2010
Cherry Blossom Festival Outreach, Washington, DC
April 11, 2010
Sarah's recital (private) Downtown Pianoworks -
Haydn. Andante with Variations in F minor, Hob.XVII:6;
Bach. Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D minor, BWV903;
Brahms. 6 Klavierstücke, Op. 118,
No. 1 Intermezzo in A minor,
No. 2 Intermezzo in A major,
No. 3 Ballade in G minor,
No. 4 Intermezzo in F minor,
No. 5 Romanze in F major,
No. 6 Intermezzo in Eb major;
Ravel. Sonatine,
I Modéré,
II Mouvement de Menuet,
III Animé
April 14, 2010
Titanic Dinner & Outreach, Washington, DC
April 16-17
Ministry Booth at MACHE (Maryland Association of Home Educators), Frederick, MD
April 28, 2010
Gettysburg Battlefield Spiritual Heritage Tour, PA homeschool group
May 2, 2010
Bernie preaches, Rosemont Alliance Church
May 6, 2010
Uniting Church and Home meeting
May 7-8
CHAP conference
May 23-30
Beall-Bloom family vacation in Emerald Isle, North Carolina
June 11-12
HEAV conference
June 25, 2010
Bernie speaks at the 1st International Conference for Cultural Communicators, Olney, MD
July 3, 2010
Antietam Bike Tour and Outreach, Maryland Symphony Orchestra concert and fireworks in the evening, includes Tchaikovsky, 1812 Overture (Finale) with live cannon fire.: )
July 10, 2010
Monocacy Tour and Outreach
July 10, 2010
Evening, Annual Beall reunion, Hyattstown, MD
July 17, 2010
EPHSC conference, Bernie does Keynote, Family speaks at seminars, postponed
July 22, 2010
Bernie and Linda @home e-vent with HSLDA, 9PM, “Family Missions at Home and Abroad”
July 27, 2010
Private Gettysburg Bike Tour and Outreach for Overholt family reunion
August 20-21
Roxbury Family Camp, Bernie speaks on 8-20 at 8AM, and in main sessions at 9:30AM and 7PM. Beall family speaks on 8-21 at 9:30AM and 1PM. Topics include developing a family message and family ministry with printed ministry tools.
August 28, 2010
Bernie speaks on PA flag (Virtue, Liberty, Independence), at Muzzle Loading Outreach, Johnstown, PA
September 4, 2010
C & O Canal Bike Hike and Outreach
September 11, 2010
Bernie speaks at the 'United Daughters of the Confederacy' Luncheon, Frederick, MD (noon)
September 11, 2010
Washington D.C. prayer walk, tour and outreach. Walk around the western end of the National Mall, with discussions at several of the monuments. (afternoon)
October 2-3
Brunswick Railroad Days Outreach
October 3, 2010
Bernie speaks at Rosemont Alliance Church
October 8, 2010
D.C. American History Outing with Int'l students from N.C. State
October 9-10
Colorfest Outreach, Thurmont, MD
October 10, 2010
Bernie speaks at Walkersville Christian Fellowship
October 23, 2010
Bernie speaks at Chesapeake Bible College Conference
October 24, 2010
C and O bike hike to Harper's Ferry and Hike in Harper's Ferry
October 28, 2010
WCFS Washington DC tour and Outreach
November 4, 2010
Uniting Church & Home meeting
November 7, 2010
Neighborhood Campfire
November 30, 2010
Private tour of Washington DC for missionary family
December 9, 2010
Neighborhood Caroling
December 14, 2010
Tour of DC for eighth grade class of Redeemer Classical Christian School
January 13-February 16
Coordinate 10 Korean Homestay Students for English language immersion in local American Christian homes
January 31, 2009
Washington DC American History Outing for Korean students and their homestay families with translation
February 9-13
Bernie is guest director for Teen Pact Maryland conference. Daniel assists his Dad with scripture memory presentations: Psalm 139, Exodus 20, Romans 8 & Matthew 5:1-16
February 14, 2009
Annual Walkersville Sweetheart Dinner party, using "One Another" commands of the New Testament for table couple conversations.
March 23, 2009
Annual Ministry Advisory Team Meeting in our home
March 28, 2009
Family Outreach in Annapolis using Maryland Flag Gospel fliers and evangelistic surveys to start gospel conversations.
April 11, 2009
Washington DC Cherry Blossom Festival Tour and Outreach
April 14, 2009
Father/Son Titanic Dinner & Outreach, Washington, D.C.
April 17-18
MACHE state convention vendor
April 24, 2009
Sarah plays for Bridges International Banquet
April 27, 2009
Meeting with family pastors from Westminster, MD
May 7, 2009
Attending quarterly Uniting Church and Home conference, Richmond, VA
May 16, 2009
Gettysburg Outreach and Tour with WCFS Jr/Sr class. Postponed due to rain. Re-scheduled for August 1st
May 24-30
Beall-Bloom family vacation in Emerald Isle, North Carolina
May 30-31
Sydenstricker UMC, Springfield, VA. "Evangelism - A Family Effort" Sessions at the invitation of Pastor Scott Beck
June 6, 2009
Eastern Panhandle Home School Conference, Shepherdstown, West Virginia. Family speaking on Entrepreneurship, Mentoring & Accelerated Distance Learning
June 7, 2009
Bernie coordinates Neighborhood Tree Identification Hike with Steve McCurdy
June 12, 2009
Attending HEAV convention to do video interviews for Family Mission International
June 13, 2009
Sarah performs Sonatine by Ravel in recital
June 15, 2009
Video interview of Pent family to use as an resource for future missionary candidates.
July 11, 2009
Monocacy Battlefield Tour and Outreach: 11am - 3pm
July 11, 2009
Annual Beall Family Reunion: (Mostly) Descendants of Barry Ranson Beall (1886-1959) & Edith Burdette Beall's ten children.
July 15, 2009
City on a Hill (Youth Conference), Baltimore, MD. Bernie speaking on Maryland's Flag & Spiritual Heritage
August 1, 2009
Gettysburg Bike Hike with WCFS Class of '09 & Rising Seniors.
August 6, 2009
Uniting Church and Home Quarterly Meeting, Richmond, VA
August 7-8
Fairfax, VA - Family Encouragement Weekend ("F.E.W.") Conference
August 12-15
Roxbury Family Camp. Family speaking on Entrepreneurship, Mentoring & Accelerated Distance Learning
August 18, 2009
Bernie interviews visiting Beall Aunts, ages 85 and 93 about Beall family history.
September 12, 2009
Keysville, MD Bike Hike & Outreach: Inviting Keysville neighbors to picnic on September 19 and distributing new FSK Gospel Flier from GCF
September 19, 2009
Keysville, MD Community Picnic with dramatic presentation on the life & testimony of Francis Scott Key
October 3, 2009
C & O Canal/Harper's Ferry Bike Tour and Outreach
October 10-11
Thurmont, MD 'Colorfest' outreach
October 17, 2009
'Celebrate the Glory' Bedford County, VA
October 20, 2009
Meeting with family pastors from Westminster, MD, planning future event.
October 25, 2009
Neighborhood Family Bonfire
October 29, 2009
Bernie speaks on America's Spiritual Heritage at AOL Men's Bible Study, Dulles, VA
November 5, 2009
Quarterly Uniting Church and Home Meeting, Richmond, VA
November 7, 2009
Bernie speaks at WACM (Washington Coalition of Men's Ministries,) Clarksburg, MD
November 13-14
Charlottesville, VA - SEMINAR: "Growing as Great Commission Families" & OUTREACH: "3rd, 4th & 5th: The Presidents of Central Virginia"
December 11, 2009
Bernie gives private American History Outing of Washington DC with visiting official from Asia
December 18, 2009
Bernie gives a American History Outing of Annapolis with 8th grade class of Redeemer Classical Christian School of Keensville, MD
December 19, 2009
Neighborhood Christmas Caroling (canceled due to snowstorm)
December 31, 2009
Bernie speaking at Bridges International Conference, New York
January 18, 2008
Ministry Advisory Team meeting at our home
February 16, 2008
Annual Valentines "Sweetheart
Dinner" in our Home for
Walkersville Christian Fellowship. Theme: Couples of the Bible, and Spiritual Lessons We Can Learn
February 23, 2008
Visit from Korean Pastor
Lee and his assistant, Jay
March 1, 2008
Speaking at WACMM, “Leading
Your Family to Minister Together,”
Immanuel Bible Church,
Springfield, VA
March 2, 2008
Speaking at Gateway Bible
Church, Men’s Sunday School
class, on “Outreach Possibilities for
Families...at Manassas Battlefield!”
March 14, 2008
Leading a Tour of Washington,DC for Penn State int’l studentsinvolved with Bridges International
March 16, 2008
Palm Sunday, Prayer for
Frederick County at Monocacy
Battlefield with Pastor Gary Hicks
March 22, 2008
Manassas National Battlefield
reconnaissance trip with men from
Gateway Bible Church
March 23, 2008
EASTER: “He is risen indeed!” Family Outreach at Frederick Rescue Mission, Frederick, MD
March 27, 2008
Attending Uniting Church and
Home Conference, Midlothian, VA
March 29, 2008
Annapolis, Maryland American History Outing and Outreach:Spiritual Lessons from Farmers, Lawmakers & Sailors
April 1, 2008
Gettysburg Battlefield American History Outing and Outreach for WHEE group of Lancaster, PA
April 5, 2008
Washington, DC Cherry Blossom Festival Family Outreach
April 14-15
"Titanic Remembered" evangelistic fliers given out in the hours before and after midnight, at the D.C. Women's Titanic Memorial, exactly 96 years after the Titanic hit the iceberg and sank. Two different Titanic Societies hold solemn ceremonies at the memorial each year.
April 18, 2008
Bridges Int’l Fellowship Dinner,
Marriott, Greenbelt, MD
April 18-19
MACHE Conference,
Frederick, MD
April 20, 2008
Bernie’s 50th Birthday and the 1st Anniversary of Linda’s Mother’s heavenly birthday
April 26-27
Church Bible Conference,
“Becoming a Great Commission
Family” - St. Paul’s Reformed Church,
Pastor Howard Sloan, Bedford, PA
May 4, 2008
Manassas Battlefield American History Picnic, Tour & Outreach,
Gateway Bible Church, Gainesville, VA
May 5-15
Postponed until next year, Lord willing. Coordinating Homestays for about a dozen visiting Korean Christians interested
in Family Discipleship
May 8-10
CHAP Conference, Harrisburg, PA
May 11, 2008
MOTHER'S DAY - Do something special for your Mother!! Proverbs 23:25
May 24, 2008
Baltimore Inner Harbor Outreach
June 5-7
HEAV Conference, Richmond, VA
June 14, 2008
Courtship Panel (Bernie, Linda, Josh,
Kerin) EPHSC Conference, Covenant
Baptist Church, Shepherdstown, WV
June 26-28
Speaking at CHEO Conference,
Columbus, OH
July 5, 2008
Antietam Battlefield American History Outing Bike Hike & Outreach,Sharpsburg, MD
July 12, 2008
Monocacy Battlefield American History Outing & Outreach, Frederick, MD
July 23, 2008
D.C. American History Outing for Chinese guests.
July 26-27
Community Bible Church, Altoona, PA
"Becoming a Great Commission Family"
August 9, 2008
Family Integrated Church Regional
Leadership Meeting, Hope Baptist
Church, Wake Forest, NC
August 13, 2008
Josh & Kerin due with Baby #2
August 13-17
Roxbury Family Leadership
Conference, Roxbury, PA
"Hospitality & Evangelism: Telling Your Story" - Two sessions on August 15
September 6, 2008
Harvest Assembly, Chesapeake, VA
"Becoming a Great Commission Family"
9am-4pm, Six Sessions
September 7, 2008
Harvest Assembly, Chesapeake, VA
Family Worship Service (Noon)
September 13, 2008
Keysville Door-to-door Family
Invitations to Keysville Family Picnic,
Keysville, MD (postponed until 2009)
September 20, 2008
Keysville Family Picnic and
Neighborhood Outreach, with Guest
Speaker “Francis Scott Key” (postponed until 2009)
October 4, 2008
Manassas Battlefield Tour, Noon to 4pm,
Manassas, VA
October 11-12
MD tract Outreach in Thurmont, MD during "Colorfest"
November 16, 2008
Sarah Beall Senior Piano Recital, 3-5PM, FCC JBK Theater
November 18, 2008
Representing GCF at Celebrate the Glory event, Bedford County, Virginia http://www.simplydevoted.com/celebrate/index.html
November 22, 2008
Robert Coleman Seminar, IBC, Fairfax VA
November 28, 2008
Frederick Rescue Mission Outreach
December 29, 2008
International student tour of Washington DC for Bridges International Conference
December 31, 2008
Bernie Speaking at Bridges International Conference, Washington, DC