Ministry Goals
We, in planning with our ministry advisory team, desire to take our 23 years of ministry experience with Campus Crusade for Christ in missions, evangelism, and discipleship and change our ‘target audience’ to families.
Every family has 3 missions fields: 1. Under their own roof. 2. Where they already live. And 3. Wherever in the world the Lord would take them. Our new ministry is helping families, especially fathers, to take the next appropriate step for them to have greater involvement in the Great Commission as a family, beginning under their own roof.
Below are 3 bullet point highlights from each of the 5 areas of our ministry goals. BTW, the M.E.D.I.C. acronym stands for . . . Mission, Evangelism, Discipleship, Instruction and Christian heritage.
Great Commission Families - Ministry Goals: M.E.D.I.C.
FAMILY MISSIONS - Mobilize Families for God’s Kingdom
Recruit family teams for short term family-friendly missions trips to Spain, Russia, Guatemala, Japan, India, China, Korea, Portugal, Germany, etc. using our many international connections developed over the years.
FAMILY EVANGELISM - Help Families Be Lights in a Lost World
Evangelism training for families in our home.
Organize local outreaches to nursing homes, neighborhoods, parks, etc.
Produce evangelistic tracts and articles for us and other families.
FAMILY DISCIPLESHIP - Equip Parents to be Disciple Makers
Make available practical materials on family discipleship, personally and by hosting seminars in our home.
Personal encouragement to roles in a godly family through personal discipleship groups that pattern the biblical model of older women teaching younger women ... and older men teaching younger men.
Hospitality in our home, "God's Peace". The Lord has brought about 20 families through so far. We have found this to be an encouraging way to share our vision as we live it out as a family on a different path.
FAMILY INSTRUCTION - Encourage Multigenerational Christianity
Share the vision of family missions, evangelism and discipleship at state and local home school conferences.
Speak in churches, perhaps accompanied by other families desiring to minister together in music and testimony.
Write articles and booklets to share our family journey (i.e. ministering together as a family, courtship, etc.).
FAMILY CHRISTIAN HERITAGE - Share Our Regional Spiritual Heritage
Family outings to Gettysburg, C&O Canal, Harpers Ferry, Antietam, DC, Annapolis, Williamsburg, etc.
Encourage families to discover their own spiritual heritage.
Speaking topics, articles & booklets to be developed emphasizing our unique American Christian history, heritage and spiritual applications.
Pastor Gary Cox and his family have 28 years experience working in ministry with families. Gary graduated from Washington Bible College in 1977. With 10 children, including 2 married sons with a total of 8 grandchildren, one recently married daughter, and 6 other children and young adults under their roof, they bring much wisdom to our advisory team. They work together as a team, a large portion of the children working with their parents to help run the ministry and school ( Even Pastor Gary's parents-in-law help in the ministry in various ways. In addition to raising up a godly heritage stretching into a third, even fourth, generation, they have worked as an advocate for families successfully in Maryland government, starting Maryland’s first private umbrella school which has graduated scores of young adults into their life purpose. They also went as a family to do mission work in Guatemala in 2005, and they have helped many young adults understand how to work with their parents instead of against them in seeking their life purpose. Additionally, they have recently launched a satellite umbrella school in Korea. We are blessed to sit under Pastor Gary's deep and profound teaching every Sunday, where he mines the riches of truth from the Word of God.
Dr. David Parrish graduated from Washington Bible College (also in 1977), Capital Bible Seminary and Dallas Theological Seminary (D.Min 1999). While at WBC, Dave met Joreen Bross from Lebanon, Pennsylvania, and they married in 1979. Dave and Joreen served as missionaries in Portugal from 1986 to 1995. They currently live with their 7 children in Greene County, Virginia and are a wonderful example of a family functioning together as God's first unit of ministry. As part of his current ministry (, Dave and two of his children recently returned to Portugal to conduct Bible seminars on marriage and the family. Many were blessed as this is a huge need in the post-Christian culture of Portugal. Dave and his sons run a family painting business to help support his teaching and writing ministry. And his oldest son is following in his footsteps with the publishing of a newsletter called The Point. Their oldest daughter, in addition to helping on the homefront, is a model of industry as well, running a small dried flower and wreath business, and tutoring students in piano, guitar, voice, writing, and other areas she has experience in.
Mr. Tol Butler and his family have been a wonderful example to us of a family seeking to minister together. Tol and his wife Linda and 5 of their children spent 2002-2003 ministering together among orphans in Russia. After returning to Union Bridge, Maryland, they continue to minister on a regular basis among Ukrainian immigrants and in numerous other settings, doing evangelism and outreach many weekends through handing out literature, preaching and singing. They have gifts in exhortation and counseling, and are raising a beautiful legacy of children with hearts for God, family and ministry, who are industrious, serving in many capacities. We greatly value the encouragement and exhortation they bring to our advisory team.